Nicholas Kirk-Canny



Symposium Session 2

Chaired by Matthew Rodger Kasey Pocius, Tommy Davis and Vincent Cusson – eTu{d,b}e: Exploring musical agents through improvisations with an infra-instrument Nicholas Kirk-Canny – The Utilisation of the Hybrid/Augmented Guitar for Human-Computer Improvisation Berk Yagli – Zen of Aggression: Composing... View event


Nicholas Kirk-Canny is an improviser, composer and creative coder with experience in instrumental and digital music. He recently completed a Ph.D. in Creative Music Practice at the University of Edinburgh, which involved the humanisation of electronic music. Currently, he is working as a postdoc at the Computer Music Laboratory at the Open University in Milton Keynes, on the Polifonia Access Pilot, which aims to develop new ways to enhance participation and engagement in music.