Armchair and Rocket



Consonance 1

Consonance is a project exploring how artificial intelligence can visually interpret poetry. By combining the power of poetry with the infinite visual range of AI, we can create entirely original content that is simultaneously art, poetry and music. Consonance is...

Armchair and Rocket is a company formed four years ago by writer Michael O’Neill and director Stephen Pierce to create content for a variety of contexts – entertainment, education and advertising. They work closely with the Seamus Heaney Centre to develop content that reflects the spirit and ambition of the centre and its writers and have produced films such as A Unique Silence and The Sensual City as well as readings and performances by Catherine Heaney, Nick Laird, Stephen Sexton, Marion Keyes and Tim Wheeler of Ash. The Consonance Project aims to integrate writing of the highest quality with ground-breaking artificial intelligence processes in a way that creates new creative opportunities, keeping the writer at the centre of everything.


Photo of Michael O’Neill