Cyrill Lim & Marcel Zaes



Sound Installations @ QSS

Wed 6th - Sun 10th April 2022
Launch Event on Wed 6th 7-8.30pm, Thu-Sun 10am-5pm
Sonorities is delighted to once again partner with QSS Gallery and Studios to present installation artworks as part of the festival’s programme. Please bring headphones and smartphone to access QR code-activated audio at the Quills That Whisper exhibition.


Since their first collaboration in 2010, Lim & Zaes’s engagement with simple and raw materials lead to artworks at the boundaries between analog and digital, physical and sonic, visual and imagined, including all the in-betweens. Their collaboration is shaped by an ongoing artistic discourse about human perception, encouraging the audience to experience the material (and the world) subjectively and outside of art conventions. This discourse provides the basis for a continuously expanding playground, on which Lim & Zaes develop their manifold works and constantly experiment with new hybrid formats.

Cyrill Lim is an artist based in Zug (CH) and Berlin (DE), whose examination of human perception leads to works which experimentally gauge the physical qualities of space and material.

Marcel Zaes is an artist and researcher working at the intersection of the physicality of sound, technology, and social environment. He is professor at SUSTech School of Design in Shenzhen, China

Funded in part by the Canton of Zug

Website (Marcel Zaes) Website (Cyrill Lim)

Cyrill Lim & Marcel Zaes
Cyrill Lim & Marcel Zaes
Cyrill Lim Funding logo