John Bowers & Owen Green



Handmade Music

Sonorities and Moving on Music present… An extended evening of improvised and experimental musics, featuring 12 local and international acts performing across two floors of Accidental Theatre. This is the latest edition of the Handmade Music series, which brings together...


John Bowers works with modular synthesizers, home-brew electronics,, self-made software, field recordings, and esoteric sensor systems. He makes performance environments which mix sound, image and gesture at a fundamental material level, sometimes accompanied by spoken text. He has performed at festivals including the Venice Biennale, Transmediale/CTM Vorspiel Berlin, Piksel Bergen and BEAM Uxbridge, and toured with the Rambert Dance Company performing David Tudor’s music to Merce Cunningham’s Rainforest.

Owen Green is an improviser, composer, performer, and systems-maker. He does unspeakable things with cardboard and machine listening technologies, as well as more speakable things alongside other humans, including the groups RawGreenRust (with Jules Rawlinson and Dave Murray Rust) and Sileni (with Ali Maloney). Owen has worked as a Research Fellow in Creative Coding at the University of Huddersfield on the Fluid Corpus Manipulation project, which aims to help other people do things with machine listening.

Website (John Bowers) Website (Owen Green)