Luz Gonzàlez and Luis Sanz



Sound Installations @ SARC

Throughout Sonorities, the studios and spaces of SARC will be activated with sound art installations and experiences. Listen closely in the foyer for some spectral shifting or venture to the basement for some tactile interactions. Most installations run throughout the...


Luz González

Spanish/Swiss composer and sound artist, lives and works in Bern.
Luz’s artistic practice includes sonic research, composition for instruments and electronics, voice performance as well as dance and theatre scores.

She holds a B.A. in Music & Media Arts from Bern University of the Arts, and is currently completing her M.A. in Composition Creative Practice with Cathy van Eck, Franziska Baumann, Stefan Prins and Simon Steen-Andersen at the Bern University of the Arts.

Luis Sanz (*1984, Ilo, PE) lives and works in Bern, CH.

Luis Sanz is a multidisciplinary artist who explores synthetic sounds, computer graphics and physical audiovisual experiences. As
an artist, Sanz creates installations focused on the relationships between bodies and spaces, generating acoustic-imaginary
dimensions that combine video, sound objects, light and field recordings. As a musician, Sanz uses the Supercollider
programming language as a tool to develop rhythmic techniques and algorithmic processes for modulation and pattern
generation on digital and analog devices. He works internationally as a soloist and with Noijzu, an electroacoustic noise duo with
whom he has performed throughout Asia and Europe

Website (Luis Sanz) Website (Luz Gonzàlez) Online works

Luz Gonzàlez and Luis Sanz
Luz Gonzàlez and Luis Sanz
Luz Gonzàlez and Luis Sanz
Luz Gonzàlez and Luis Sanz
Luz Gonzàlez and Luis Sanz
Luz Gonzàlez and Luis Sanz