
Listening Room Programme 1

Sat 13th April 2024
2.00pm - 3.30pm
SARC Other

In our two Listening Rooms, more than 30 fixed-media works are presented simultaneously, playing back over a 9.1.4 (Listening Room 1) or 8-channel (Listening Room 2) speaker configuration. The Listening Rooms are found in the lower ground floor surround studios of SARC.

Download Full Programme Notes (coming soon)

Surround 1

(ambisonic works, 8 pieces, duration 80 mins)

Eduardo Patricio: Daydreaming in Hel (5’46”)

Hector Bravo Benard: In the Fog (10’58”)

Timothy Roy: Brompton & Braeswood (11’)

Kasey Pocius: eTu{d,b}e de Labo #1 (05’57”)

Giuseppe Pisano: Non è un compendio di etologia numerico-digitale (9’23’’)

Nicola Cappelletti: PNX (8’39’’)

Clayton Davidson: Venom Thief (17’)

Enrico Dorigatti: Cryoconite (8’22″)


Surround 2

(audiovisual works, 7 pieces, duration 75 mins)

Rodrigo Romero-Flores: Travel (08’52”)

Sylvia Hinz and Julie Herndon: Brushes (5’)

Maxwell Franko: Outtakes From a Film (13’)

Catherine Lee: Flutterings: an interspecies collaboration with the Bombyx mori (domestic silk worm moth)


Joao Pedro: Oliveira Coalescence (11′ 30”)

Lisa Conway: Limestone I (6’31”)

Mattia Benedetti: drifting (17’30″)

Timings include 15 second breaks between pieces




Surround Studios


Free of charge

No need to book for Listening Rooms

Capacity limited, so arrive early to avoid disappointment