Marta Domingues


Marta Domingues (2000) is a composer, having studied at the Lisbon Superior School of Music.
She is a member of the Production of the Festival DME and the Artistic Director of SYN-ARS. Her works have been presented at events such as: Festival DME / Lisboa Incomum, Música Viva / Oculto d’Ajuda, Aveiro Síntese, BoCA – Biennal of Contemporary Arts / São Carlos Theater, Monaco Electroacoustique (2017 and 2019) and L’Espace du Son Festival (Brussels). Her acousmatic piece Yliathim was awarded an honorable mention in the Métamorphoses contest by Influx / Musiques et Recherches, being edited in the CD Métamorphoses 2020. About the same piece, she publishes an article in the book Investigation and Teaching in Design and Music Vol. II, co-authored by José António Domingues.
Marta is currently doing a Masters in Composition with Jaime Reis and Annette Vande Gorne.


Marta Domingues
Marta Domingues
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