Michele Del Prete


Michele Del Prete received his PhD in Philosophy from the Freie Universität Berlin and studied composition in Graz with Beat Furrer and electronic music in Venice with Alvise Vidolin. He has played his own electronic works with complex spatialisation settings in Graz (IEM Cube), Chatham (Historic Dockyards), Madrid (Auditorium Museo Reina Sofía) and Manchester (MANTIS, University of Manchester). Performance and conferences in Europe and in the Americas. His organ music has been programmed at San Giorgio Maggiore in Venice, at the International Composition Award Six Historic Organs of Mafra 2019, and at Wien Modern 2020. He is currently working on his artistic PhD on the theme Composing for organ and electronics: spaces and practices at the Orpheus Institute Gent- ACPA Leiden University. He is professor of Aesthetics at the Venice Academy of Fine Arts.
